

frequently asked questions

What is the check-in and check-out time?

Check-in is from 15:00 to 22:00 and check-out is from 6:00 to 11:00.

*Reception service is not available from 22:00 to 6:00.

Guests who check in after 22:00 are required to contact us in advance.

Can I send my luggage before the day of my stay?

Please specify the name of the representative at the time of booking and the date of stay on the cover page.

Shipping address
86 Sueyoshi Higashi-Irisuji, 2nd line up Yamatooji-do Shijo, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0085

* Please specify your luggage on the day before or on the day of your stay.
* We may not be able to store luggage that requires refrigeration or refrigeration. Please contact us in advance.
※ We also ship your luggage. (Cash on bed, cash on cash on bed)

Is there a parking lot?

There is no parking lot. Please use the coin-operated parking near you.

Can I smoke?

Smoking is prohibited throughout the building.
*Use of heated cigarettes is also prohibited.
*Smoking spaces are not available. Please understand in advance.

Can I use a wheelchair?

Wheelchair access seems to be difficult.

Do you have breakfast or dinner?

It is located a 5-minute walk from the hotel and can be used at Gion Tsubaki. (Not included)

※Reservations are required. Please make a reservation with the accommodation plan or contact us in advance.